Chi sa fare fa, chi non sa fare insegna, chi non sa insegnare insegna educazione fisica (Woody Allen)

giovedì 6 ottobre 2016

Stoccolma. Sweat and Corsets

Today, working out and taking exercise has become a way of life. Pictures from the gym, from races and fun-runs, of personal trainers and exercise retreats now fill the timelines and news-feeds of social media. But the way in which we exercise also reflects the development of technology.
The gyms of today have developed from a prototype designed by Doctor Gustaf Zander more than 150 years ago. This is an exhibition about his medico-mechanical gymnastic apparatus with which visitors to his gym – smartly dressed in suits and corsets – improved their bodies with exercises such as arm-twisting, thigh-chopping and the vibrating horse-rider.

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